Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Flowering of the American Church

About 80 million men and women were born between 1946 and 1984. When they hit high school and college many of them were found by Christ and discovered His love, power and truth. This came to be known as "The Jesus Movement" and is recognized as one of the Four Great Awakenings in American history. I was one of those people fortunate enough to be swept up in the JM and I was able to see God work in an up close and personal manner.

How many Boomers came to know Christ and have grown in His truth and love since the Seventies? I do not know but it may be as many as 30 million people. They populate most of the newly formed denominations and movements such as The Vineyard, Willow Creek and The Charismatic Movement as well as many conservative denominational churches.

As these folks hit 50 and 60 years of age we need to help them think not about ways to RETIRE but how God would have them REFIRE! The church is totally not ready to help these mature, talented, gifted and experienced people move into significant places of ministry. Almost every group dedicated to helping us at Half Time approaches mature folks like they did when we were young, but that is not for everybody.

We are grandparents, not first time dads and moms. Our primary value is not excess energy but excess wisdom, experience, depth, talent and gifts. And this says nothing about money and time but we have more of that as well.

I just read where George Barna, the famous researcher, visionary and church planter has taken a new challenge along with several other Boomers who want to REFIRE. Look here for the announcement.
