Friday, July 07, 2006

Micro Mini Ministry Multipliers

One of the most exciting and helpful developments to combat international poverty has been Micro Loans. Banks, churches, governments and missions give a Micro-Loan to a poor man or woman. It may be as little as $15.00 to 50.00 to buy a cow, a sowing machine or plant crops. That person develops financial independence and also helps others. My friend in Singapore, William Toh, is doing that in Asia.

I think we need to consider such a plan for supporting the people and churches in Russia. Although the loans may need to be a bit larger grants, an awful lot can be accomplished with a very little. Maybe we ought to call them, MICRO MINI MINISTRY MULTIPLIERS

Warren Buffet gave 30 Billion Dollars to the Gates’ Foundation to combat illness and ignorance. That sounds real good but such large amounts can cause nationals to become dependent upon outsiders. It is also a great temptation to foreign leaders to steal the funds. It is already obvious in Africa that large amounts of money alone do NOT solve social and spiritual problems.

I have a dream that western Christians will begin to intentionally use Micro Grants to support good Christian work in developing nations. Money without Christ is no answer but Christ’s work is crippled without money. Property and rent are high in Moscow but many significant advances require only a little help.

Stipends of 25, 50 to 100 dollars to pay team to work with pastors, establish family support groups and set up groups.

Grants for the team’s formal counselor education under Russian law

Grants to cover seminary education

Grants to help fund new churches and new ministries

Grants for travel in Moscow and Russia to minister in poor churches. None of our people has an automobile so they either rent a car and driver or travel for hours to minister. I preached on two Sundays and had to drive almost two hours to get there.

Grants for Materials

Start a fund Building Fund to buy an apartment/office suite for ministry, teaching, meetings, etc. Space is a difficult challenge in Russia.

Grants for outlying leaders to attend seminars, workshops and training.

Funds to support teams from the US to Russia

Life Way Ministries currently does some of this but much more needs to be done. I am sure that the result will be an upward cycle of spiritual, emotional, political and financial independence. All of these are essential for nation building.