Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Feedback and Accountability

How long has it been since you received helpful feedback on your performance at work or church? Most people in ministry never, ever get feedback that is specific and positively helpful.

My son Timothy is currently with his wife and son in Newcastle, England serving as a consultant to a very large corporation. He has been in this job for several years and is doing very well at helping those giant corporations achieve better efficiency, effectiveness and make more money. Much more money.

I am in a similar field as Tim and have a minor on my doctorate in Organizational Development so I love to pick up pointers from someone that is saving companies millions of dollars. I asked Tim to give me the top five reasons why companies were not efficient or effective. He said, "I can summarize it in one sentence. 'No manager or leader wants to give or receive feedback and accountability.' Half the time managers do not know exactly what their jobs are nor what their direct reports are supposed to be doing so they can't hold them accountable."

The church is even worse. Nobody has any idea what they or their people are supposed to be doing nor do the know how to keep anyone accountable. If we do not know where we are going any road will get us there.