Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Great Article

I have mentioned the free online ministry of Christianity Today in several of my blogs. I am happy to report that they have another excellent article posted. You can find it at

It is an interview by Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie, former Chaplain of the United States Senate. I met Dr. Ogilvie several times and have always been impressed with his humility and ability.

In my last post I mentioned Howard Gardner's research on how to change minds. I want to add my own ideas as well for Gardner does not include the most important source of change for us Christians, the Holy Spirit. In training pastors and counselors I always focus on the importance of watching for the times when God is Convicting a person about the need for change. Until that happens, we are "spitting into the wind" and all our efforts to influence others is for naught.

Dr. Ogilvie speaks to the importance of inviting the Holy Spirit into all ministry. He does it in such a winsome and simple way that I am sure you can remember his points.


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