Sunday, July 23, 2006

What and When is Ministry?

I recently spoke with a man who is still ministering around the world after spending well over 50 years as a clergyman. I identify him as a clergyman because of a comment he made about wishing he had made different choices in life and career.

"Gary," he said, "I regret that I went into the paid ministry as a young man. I could have worked in a good job and saved a lot of money, prepared myself for good ministry and then traveled around the world at my own expense rather than draining the pockets of my church members all these years."

Biblically he is right on. But, as the French say, "We know it works in practice but will it work in theory?" From a biblical point of view church leaders are to have prepared for that position by having been reared to maturity by their children. (I Timothy 3:4-6) The early church grew and prospered greatly by following that model but we changed it after colleges and universities became the secular world's preferred way to educate leaders.

Here is my plan. Urge all young people to choose Christ, get a good education, find an honest career/profession, save their money and rear their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Get educated in Bible and practical ministry so you will be Able to discover and use all your talents and gifts as God reveals them.

At the ripe old age of 55 or 60 when they have another 25 or 30 good years of mature ministry left, retire and refire and find their place in Kingdom Ministry. The best is yet to come.


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