Friday, July 21, 2006

Free Markets and Growth of Freedom

I believe in the free market system of economics and government. I have supported the free market ideas for many years but my passion increased strongly after several events.

1. I took some classes in economics in college and saw the incredible inefficiency of the government and the efficiency of free people. I grew up in a farming community and saw the mess government made of things when it tried to control prices. One joke tells it all. A Senator visited the Agriculture Department in Washington D.C. and saw a man weeping at his desk. When he inquired about the reason the fellow replied, "The farmer I was assigned to just passed away." The statistics showed even back then that there are more people working for the government than who are farmers.

Read the Milton Friedman interview at to see what I mean.

2. I got a job and had to pay taxes. As an adult I discovered just how much goes to the government and how little I got to take home.

3. I learned from relatives who worked for the government how much money is wasted. I pay and they play.

4. I became an entrepreneur and saw how hard it is to get things done with the government's interference. Big government is a nanny that loves to control people.

5 I studied Socialism and saw how terrible a political and social system it really is. Socialists deny the reality of the bell shaped curve and keep the brightest, hardest working and most creative from achieving their best. The best of a society are punished for being good because it might "make the slowest feel badly." Now criminals in England cannot be called "prisoners, guilty or even inmates" lest it harm their self-esteem.

6. I began to minister in Socialist countries like Norway, Sweden and Russia and observed how awful the system of Socialism are. In Norwegian residential treatment programs for drug addicts the "students" are required to stay at least for 12 months when a month would be plenty.

Big government is a big threat to freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of education.


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